Guru Media Tribe Enrollment Form
Yes, Brian! I'm ready to succeed online, so I'll take one of the 11 Remaining Spots At The Discounted Annual Rate of $777/yr by clicking the button above. I fully understand that If I wait too long, the price will go up to $999/yr after the next 11 people join. I also understand that I'm completely protected by your 100% Double-Backed 90 Day Guarantee AND Your Personal Integrity so that there's nothing to lose and only a profitable business to gain.
I further understand that after I join the tribe by submitting the button above, that you'll email me login details to your private member training area where I can start right away with the first lesson. You'll send me everything I need to get started and you'll provide support when I need help, so I'm ready to create an amazing business & I'm clicking the black button above to join the Tribe Now!